Armored Combat

Of all the efforts we make to re-create the Middle Ages, Armored Combat is far and away the most eye catching.

We study and make armor and weapons that approximate the look and feel of the military tools used in tournament and battlefield, and almost every event we sponsor has the martial arts on display, from the humblest prize tourney to great melee, siege and war events. These weapons and armor are built to a very high standard, with safety as a first consideration.

We invite all to attend our combat practice, where we refine our skill at arms in single combat and melee tactics.

Until further notice, fighter practice is canceled.

Come in garb – the fighters do!  
Come and support your local fighters!
Bring a project to work on and we will do a little Arts and Sciences discussion, too.

Our Marshals advise all who attend fighter practice to bring plenty of water, and drink it.