A Newcomer’s Guide to Gatalop

So You Want To Go To Gatalop: A Not-So-Brief Guide for First-Time Eventers

Welcome to your first SCA event! We are so happy you are joining us, and this is a fantastic event to get a taste of the many activities the Society has to offer.  Newcomers Point will be located inside the Fort just ahead and to the right as you walk through the gate – look for the “Welcome Visitors and Newcomers” sign.

The first thing to decide is whether you want to go for the whole weekend, or just “daytrip” one day. On Saturday, there are classes, fencing tournaments and battles, heavy combat battles, Royal and Baronial Court, and a potluck dinner. On Friday night, people will be setting up, relaxing, and socializing; on Sunday morning people will be packing up to leave.

The first part of this page is mostly about daytripping – there’s information at the bottom of the page about camping if you’re interested in joining us for the full weekend.

What to wear

You need to make an attempt at pre-17th century clothing, or “garb.” This can be a simple tunic over pants, or something more elaborate. Loaner garb will be available on site – let us know when you check in that you will need to borrow some. Many people arrive in mundane clothes and change into garb onsite. Others garb up before arriving. Either is fine.

What to do when you arrive

You’ll need to “troll in” – follow the signs to “troll,” which is where you check in if you pre-registered, or register onsite and pay your fees (cash or check only). You need to do this and sign the waivers before you can do anything onsite. You’ll receive a “site token” which shows that you have registered and paid. Wear it somewhere visible – you will need it to get through the gate into the Fort.

You will also be invited to pick up a newcomers’ token at Troll. These are blue tokens with a white symbol on them which you may wear on your belt, if you wish. These tokens identify you as someone new to the SCA and are a visible reminder to others to answer any questions you have and actively welcome you to our Modern Middle Ages. You are not required to wear one, but are invited to do so if you are interested in folks talking to you about all of the different activities the SCA has to offer.

What to bring

A chair (camp, folding, etc.), snacks and drinks esp. water (here is an article on the Florilegium with good advice about finding medieval-ish foods at the grocery store), a mug/cup (you will be offered many beverages), camera/phone/etc, lunch or $5 cash for lunch, something to write with and on, a bag or basket if you want to carry stuff around, something to occupy your hands (e.g. knitting) if you like, any medications ESPECIALLY emergency meds like asthma inhalers or EpiPens – you may be quite far from your car so carry these with you. Sunscreen and/or shade – there is not a lot of shade to be had in the fort.


If you are daytripping, meals are not included in your site fee. Lunch on Saturday is BYO, or bring $5 cash for the fundraiser lunch that will be served. Saturday dinner is a feast! If you want to eat out on the Island, check out the “What’s Nearby” page, and note that some restaurants keep odd hours.

What to do

Details on activities can be found in the pages linked to the left. Stop by the field to watch heavy combat battles, or wander over to the list field to watch fencing tournaments.   There will be medieval merchants onsite, if you are interested in shopping. Children’s activities will be happening all day on Saturday, so bring the kids!

There will be a Baronial and/or Royal Court on Saturday evening, probably around 5pm. Their Excellencies/Majesties will ask all those attending their first event to come to the front to meet Them and receive a gift, so definitely plan to stay at least through court! Feast will happen in the evening; after that, we’ll be socializing and reveling for the rest of the night.

Please let the event staff know what questions you have! We want you to have an awesome time at your first event and to keep coming back!

Camping at Gatalop

If you want to go for the whole weekend, we have camping space inside and outside the fort! If you want to camp inside the fort, your tent must be medieval in appearance. If you have modern camping equipment, there is plenty of space on the fort grounds for you to set up.

If you would like to camp, you will need to bring a tent, bedding, and everything else you would normally pack for a mundane (non-SCA) camping event. There are flush toilets available onsite; showers are available at the campground next door for $3 – you can buy a ticket at Troll.

Some people camp in groups – either their local Shire/Barony/etc, or in households (“households” in the SCA are local/social groups who tend to travel to events together, and/or groups that are associated with a particular Peer – for example, all of the people squired to a Knight might be part of that Knight’s household). You don’t have to be part of a group or household to camp, though – there will be plenty of “open camping” space for you to throw your tent down in.